2023 Club Officers: The officers elected for the 2023 year at the Dec. 2022 meeting are: President – Chuck Willis, VP – Brent Caraway, XO – Randy Prosser, Sect.-Treas. – Dee Prosser Board of Directors: Dave Stoklas, Dusty Willis and Jody Hanson.

Office Help: We could use 1 or 2 more members to volunteer to man the office to give the ones already doing it a break. We will give a free club membership to any helping in the office as long as they are volunteering. Basic computer skills are helpful but not necessary. See Chuck at the range office if you are interested in volunteering.

2023 Grant: Our grant request submitted to the NRA Foundation has been approved at the state level and has been sent to national headquarters for final approval. We should hear from them in early April.

Friends of NRA: The 2023 FNRA event is set for April 29th, 2023 at the Gila County fairgrounds. Event tickets and other info about the event are available at the range office. We need to support this event as money raised at FNRA events is what the Foundation uses to fund grant requests such as we submit every year. Visit the range office and see Chuck for more ways to support this event. There is a raffle going on right now put on by the FNRA committee for a Century Arms AK47, only 150 tickets available for $20 each. The winner will be drawn on March 5th 2023. You can purchase tickets at the range office and Dominion Firearms.

New Membership Year: The new membership year starts June 1st; we will send out the renewal forms by email and regular mail (if you don’t have an email address) in April. The lock on the gate will be changed on June 1st. Club dues are still $40 per year. If your NRA dues are about to expire you must call the NRA or go online to renew your NRA membership. The NRA is phasing out the recruiting section this year.

4H Shooting Sports Club: This 4H club is off to a good start. They now have 35 members and are sending teams to the state championship matches. These youngsters are really into the shooting sports. They expressed a desire to try small-bore silhouette and volunteered to cleanup and do repairs on the small-bore range. On Feb. 10th we closed the range for 2 hours while they worked on the range. With over 30 of the 4H club members and their parents they did an outstanding job cleaning up and repairing the smallbore range. They also volunteered to do more work parties to help maintain the range.   

Hunter Education: HE had a range day on Feb. 19th, they had 20 students. There are 2 more HE classes scheduled for Mar. 5th and Mar. 19th. You will need to call John Stemm at 602-478-5201 for class info if you would like to attend a Hunter Education class.

Shooting Hours: Hours will change on May 1st; new hours will be 8am to 6pm. On Oct. 1st we have to change back to 8am to 5:30pm.